Canon 1, tone 1

Ode I: Christ is born, give ye glory! Christ cometh from heaven, meet ye
Him! Christ is on earth, be ye exalted! O all the earth, sing ye unto
the Lord, and chant with gladness, ye people, for He hath been

Ode III: To Christ God, the Son Who was begotten of the Father without
corruption before time began, and in latter times without seed became
incarnate of the Virgin, let us cry aloud: O Lord Who liftest up our
horn, holy art Thou!

Ode IV: A rod from the root of Jesse and blossom thereof, O Christ, Thou
didst spring forth from the Virgin; from the mountain overshadowed and
densely wooded hast Thou come, incarnate of her who knew not man, O Thou
praised and immaterial God. Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Ode V: As God of peace and Father of compassion, Thou didst send Thine
Angel of Great Counsel, Who granteth us peace. Therefore, guided to the
light of knowledge divine, and waking at dawn out of the night, we
glorify Thee, Who lovest mankind.

Canon 2, tone 1

Ode I: Of old, the Master, working a wonder, saved the people of Israel,
making the waves of the sea into dry land; and, born of His own will of
the Virgin, He setteth before us a path whereby we may travel to heaven.
Him do we glorify as equal in essence to the Father and to men.

Ode III: Look down upon the hymns of Thy servants, O Benefactor, casting
down the vaunted pride of the enemy. O Thou Who seest all things, raise
up far above sin those who hymn Thee, established immovably upon the
foundation of the Faith, O Good One.

Ode IV: Hymning of old the restoration of the the human race, the
Prophet Habbakuk, ineffably vouchsafed to behold an image, proclaimed
prophetically: A little Babe is come forth from the mountain of the
Virgin, unto the restoration of men, O Word!

Ode V: Out of the gloomy night of the works of deception, come Thou, O
Christ, unto us who now keep vigil in hymnody addressed to Thee as our
Benefactor, Who granteth us an easy path, travelling whereon we may
attain unto glory.

Ode VI: The sea monster thrust forth, like a babe from the womb, Jonah
whom it had swallowed; and the Word, Who dwelt within the Virgin and
took flesh of her, issued forth, preserving her incorrupt. He kept her
who gave Him birth unharmed, for He Himself is not subject to

Ode VII: The children raised together in piety, disdaining the ungodly
command, feared not the threat of fire, but, standing in the midst of
the flame, they chanted: O God or our fathers, blessed art Thou!

We praise, we bless, we worship the Lord, hymning and supremely exalting
Him unto all ages!

Ode VIII: The dew-bearing furnace showed forth the image of a
supernatural wonder; for it burned not the youths whom it had received,
just as the fire of the Godhead burned not the Virgin, whose womb it had
entered. Wherefore, chanting, let us sing: Let all creation bless the
Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Ode VI: Engulfed in the uttermost dephs of the sea, Jonah prayed: Come
Thou and still the tempest! And I, beset by the dark of the tormentor,
cry aloud unto Christ: O Destroyer of evils, haste Thou quickly unto my

Ode VII: Captivated by the love of the King of all, the youths despised
the godless threats of the tyrant raging uncontrollably; and when the
great fire submitted to them, they said to the Master: Blessed art Thou

We praise, we bless, we worship the Lord, hymning and supremely exalting
Him unto all ages!

Ode VIII: The children of the Old Covenant who were not consumed by the
fire prefigure the unburnt womb of the Maiden which, though sealed,
giveth birth in manner transcending nature. And grace, working both of
these as a single wonder, doth move the people to hymnody.

Ode IX: 

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the all-pure Virgin Theotokos, who is more
honorable and more glorious than the armies on high!

Irmos: A strange and most glorious mystery do I behold: the cave is
heaven; the Virgin, the throne of the cherubim; the manger, the place
werein lay Christ God, Whom naught can contain, Whom praising, we

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, God Who was born in the flesh of the

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the King Who was born in the cave


Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, God Who is worshipped by the magi.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, Him Who was proclaimed to the magi by the


Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the only pure Virgin Theotokos, who gave
birth to Christ the King.

Refrain: The magi and shepherds have come to worship Christ Who hath
been born in the city of Bethlehem.

Ode IX: 

Refrain: Today the Virgin giveth birth to the Master within the cave.

Irmos: Better would it be for us to keep silence in fear, for it is
without peril; and it is difficult, O Virgin, to weave complex hymns
harmoniously with love. But grant us, O Mother, the strength to fulfill
our intent.

Refrain: Today the Master is born as a babe of the Virgin Mother.

Repeat Irmos

Refrain: Today the shepherds see the Saviour wrapped in swaddling-bands
and lying in a manger.

Refrain: Today the Master, Who is intangible, is wrapped in rags as a

Refrain: Today all creation rejoiceth and is glad, for Christ is born of
the Virgin Maiden.


Refrain: The heavenly hosts proclaim to the world the Savior, Lord and
Master Who hath been born.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the might of the indivisible Godhead in
three Hypostates!

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, her who hath delivered us from the curse.
