Prayer of St. Symeon the New Theologian 

Thou, Oh Christ, art the Kingdom of Heaven;

Thou, Oh Christ, art the kingdom of Heaven;

Thou, the land promised to the meek;

Thou, the meadowland of paradise;

Thou, the hall of the celestial banquet;

Thou, the ineffable bridal chamber;

Thou, the table set for all,

Thou, the bread of life;

Thou, the unheard of drink;

Thou, both the urn for the water and the life-giving water;

Thou, moreover, the inextinguishable lamp for each one of the saints;

Thou, the garment and the crown and the One Who bestoweth the crowns;

Thou, the joy and rest;

Thou, the delight and glory;

Thou, the gladness and mirth;

And Thy grace, the grace of the Spirit of all sanctity, will shine like
the  sun in all the saints;

And Thou, the unapproachable Sun, wilt shine in their midst; and all  
will shine brightly, according to the measure of their faith, their
asceticism, their hope and their love, their purification, and their
illumination by Thy Spirit.
tmlPrayer of St. Symeon the New Theologian 

Thou, Oh Christ, art the Kingdom of Heaven;

Thou, Oh Christ, art the kingdom of Heaven;

Thou, the land promised to the meek;

Thou, the meadowland of paradise;

Thou, the hall of the celestial banquet;

Thou, the ineffable bridal chamber;

Thou, the table set for all,

Thou, the bread of life;

Thou, the unheard of drink;

Thou, both the urn for the water and the life-giving water;

Thou, moreover, the inextinguishable lamp for each one of the saints;

Thou, the garment and the crown and the One Who bestoweth the crowns;

Thou, the joy and rest;

Thou, the delight and glory;

Thou, the gladness and mirth;

And Thy grace, the grace of the Spirit of all sanctity, will shine like
the  sun in all the saints;

And Thou, the unapproachable Sun, wilt shine in their midst; and all  
will shine brightly, according to the measure of their faith, their
asceticism, their hope and their love, their purification, and their
illumination by Thy Spirit.

Prayer of St. Symeon the New Theologian 

Thou, Oh Christ, art the Kingdom of Heaven;

Thou, Oh Christ, art the kingdom of Heaven;

Thou, the land promised to the meek;

Thou, the meadowland of paradise;

Thou, the hall of the celestial banquet;

Thou, the ineffable bridal chamber;

Thou, the table set for all,

Thou, the bread of life;

Thou, the unheard of drink;

Thou, both the urn for the water and the life-giving water;

Thou, moreover, the inextinguishable lamp for each one of the saints;

Thou, the garment and the crown and the One Who bestoweth the crowns;

Thou, the joy and rest;

Thou, the delight and glory;

Thou, the gladness and mirth;

And Thy grace, the grace of the Spirit of all sanctity, will shine like
the  sun in all the saints;

And Thou, the unapproachable Sun, wilt shine in their midst; and all  
will shine brightly, according to the measure of their faith, their
asceticism, their hope and their love, their purification, and their
illumination by Thy Spirit.

Prayer of St. Symeon the New Theologian 

Thou, Oh Christ, art the Kingdom of Heaven;

Thou, Oh Christ, art the kingdom of Heaven;

Thou, the land promised to the meek;

Thou, the meadowland of paradise;

Thou, the hall of the celestial banquet;

Thou, the ineffable bridal chamber;

Thou, the table set for all,

Thou, the bread of life;

Thou, the unheard of drink;

Thou, both the urn for the water and the life-giving water;

Thou, moreover, the inextinguishable lamp for each one of the saints;

Thou, the garment and the crown and the One Who bestoweth the crowns;

Thou, the joy and rest;

Thou, the delight and glory;

Thou, the gladness and mirth;

And Thy grace, the grace of the Spirit of all sanctity, will shine like
the  sun in all the saints;

And Thou, the unapproachable Sun, wilt shine in their midst; and all  
will shine brightly, according to the measure of their faith, their
asceticism, their hope and their love, their purification, and their
illumination by Thy Spirit.