Vespers - Prayers at Lamplighting Time	- 6 -

Vespers - Prayers at Lamplighting Time




lamplighting Time The priest, standing before the holy door with bared
head, saith the "Prayers of Lamplighting Time"

First Prayer

O LORD, COMPASSIONATE and merciful, long-suffering and plenteous in
mercy, give ear unto our prayer and attend to the voice of our
supplication; work in us a sign unto good; guide us in Thy way, that we
may walk in Thy truth; make glad our hearts, that we may fear Thy holy
name; for Thou art great and workest wonders, Thou alone art God, and
there is none like unto Thee among the gods, O Lord strong in mercy and
good in might, to help and comfort, and to save all that hope in Thy
holy name. For unto Thee is due all glory, honor and worship: to the
Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto
the ages of ages. Amen.

Second Prayer

O Lord, rebuke us not in Thine anger, nor chasten us in Thy wrath, but
deal with us according to Thy mercy, O Physician and Healer of our
souls. Guide us unto the haven of Thy will; enlighten the eyes of our
hearts to the knowledge of Thy truth; and grant unto us that the
remainder of the present day and the whole time of our life may be
peaceful and sinless, through the intercessions of the holy Theotokos
and of all the saints. For Thine is the dominion, and Thine is the
kingdom, and the power, and the glory: of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  


Third Prayer

O Lord our God, remember us, Thy sinful and unprofitable servants, when
we call upon Thy holy, venerable name, and turn us not away in shame
from the expectation of Thy mercy; but grant us, O Lord, all our
requests which are unto salvation, and vouchsafe us to love and to fear
Thee with our whole heart, and to do Thy will in all things For a good
God art Thou, and the Lover of mankind, and unto Thee do we send up
glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and
ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Fourth Prayer

O Thou Who with never-silent hymns and unceasing doxologies art praised
in song by the Holy Hosts, fill our mouth with Thy praise, that we may
magnify Thy holy name. And grant unto us part and inheritance with all
that truly fear Thee and keep Thy commandments, through the
intercessions of the holy Theotokos and of all Thy saints. For unto Thee
is due all glory, honor and worship: to the Father, and to the Son, and
to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

Fifth Prayer

O Lord, O Lord, Who upholds all things in the most pure hollow of Thy
hand, Who art long-suffering toward us all and repentest Thee at our
wickedness, remember Thy compassion and Thy mercy. Visit us with Thy
goodness, and grant unto us during the remainder of the present day, by
Thy grace, to flee the divers subtle snares of the Evil One, and to keep
our life unassailed through the grace of Thine all-holy Spirit, through
the mercy and love for mankind of Thine only-begotten son, with Whom
Thou art blessed, together with Thine all-holy and good, and
life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen


Sixth Prayer

O God, great and wondrous, Who with goodness unsearchable and abundant
providence orderest all things, and grantest unto us earthly good
things; Who hast given us a pledge of the promised kingdom through the
good things already bestowed upon us; and hast made us to shun all evil
during that part of the day which is past: Grant us also to fulfill the
remainder of this day blamelessly before Thy holy glory; to hymn Thee,
the only Good One, our God, Who lovest mankind. For Thou art our God,
and unto Thee do we send up glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Seventh Prayer

O God, great and most high, Who alone hast immortality, and dwellest in
light unapproachable; Who hast fashioned all creation in wisdom; Who
hast divided the light from the darkness, and hast set the sun for
dominion of the day, the moon the stars for dominion of the night; Who
hast vouchsafed unto us sinners at this present hour to come before Thy
presence with thanksgiving and to offer thee evening doxology; Do
thyself direct our prayer as incense before Thee and accept it for a
sweet smelling savor; grant unto us that the present evening and the
coming night be peaceful. Cloth us with the armor of light. Deliver us
from the terror by night and from everything that walketh in darkness.
And grant that the sleep which Thou hast given for the repose of our
infirmity may be free from all fantasies of the Devil. Yea, O Master,
Giver of good things, may we, being moved to compunction upon our beds,
remember Thy name in the night, and, enlightened by meditation on Thy
commandments, rise up in joyfulness of soul to the glorification of Thy
goodness, offering prayers and supplications to Thy lovingkindness for
our own sins and for those of all Thy people, whom do Thou visit in
mercy, through the intercessions of the Holy Theotokos. For a good God
art Thou, and unto Thee do we send up glory: to the Father and to the
Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.