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our prayers and alms as a memorial of their virtues.
O Lord of unutterable Love, remember Thy servants who
have fallen asleep.
The whole world is a sacred and common graveyard, for in
every place is the dust of our fathers and brothers. O Christ
our God, Who alone unchangeably lovest us, forgive all who
have died form the beginning till now, that they may sing with
infinite love: ALLELUIA.
The day is coming, as a burning furnace, the great and
terrible day of the Last Judgment, when the secrets of men
will be revealed and the books of conscience will be torn
"Be reconciled with God!" cries the Apostle Paul.
"Be reconciled before that terrible day."
Help us, O Lord, to fill up with the tears of the living what
was lacking in the dead.
May the sound of the AngelÁ-?s trumpet, O Lord, be to them
the glad announcement of their salvation and the joyful
manumission of their freedom at the hour of Thy judgment.
Crown with glory those who have suffered for Thee, O Lord,
and cover the sins of the weak with Thy goodness.