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stand with their spiritual bodies, radiantly glories and
Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord:
"I will bring upon you a spirit of life,
and will lay sinews upon you;
and I will bring flesh upon you, and cover you with skin."
Rise out of the ancient past, you who are redeemed by the
Blood of the Son of God,
restored to life by His death,
for the light of the Resurrection has dawned upon you.
Open to them now, O Lord, the whole abyss of Thy
Thou hast shone upon them with the light of the sun and
that they may see the glory of the radiant choirs of Angels,
Thou hast delighted them with the magnificence of the
heavenly lights of East and West,
that they may also see the never-setting light of Thy Divinity.
O Lord of unutterable Love, remember Thy servants who
have fallen asleep.