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O Thou Who by Thy inscrutable Providence didst prepare
the world for eternal beatitude and Who appointest times
and seasons and the manner of our end: Forgive, O Lord,
those who have died in past ages all their sins, receive them
into the realms of light and joy, hasten to open Thy Fatherly
arms to them, and hear us who celebrate their memory and

O Lord of unutterable Love, remember Thy servants who
have fallen asleep.


O Thou Who savest Adam and the whole human race from
eternal perdition, Thou didst send Thy Son into the world, O
Good God, and by His Cross and Resurrection Thou hast
granted us also eternal life. Trusting to Thy infinite mercy, we
look for the deathless Kingdom of Thy Glory, we implore
Thee to grant it to those who have fallen asleep, and we

Gladden, O Lord, souls wearied by the storms of life,

that earthÁ-?s sorrows and signings may not bury them in

Hear them, O Lord, in Thy bosom, as a mother responds to
her children,

and say to them: Your sins are forgiven you.

Receive them, O Lord, into Thy calm and blessed haven that
they may rejoice in Thy divine glory.