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The Akathist of Thanksgiving- 1 -
The Akathist of Thanksgiving
Kontakion 1
O King of ages, Who, by the power of Thy salvific
providence, holdeth in Thy right hand all the ways of manÁ-?s
life: I thank Thee for all Thy visible and secret goods, for
earthly life and for the heavenly joy of Thy future Kingdom.
Pour forth richly Thy grace, in the future as well, on us who
sing to Thee: Glory to Thee, O God, in ages!
Ikos 1
I was born on earth as a feeble and helpless child, but Thy
angel, spreading his shiny wings, has sheltered my cradle.
From that moment Thy love shines in all my ways and
miraculously guides me into the light of eternity. For that my
soul lauds Thee and hails Thee with all who know Thee:

Glory to Thee Who hast called me into life.
Glory to Thee Who art revealing to us the beauty of the
Glory to Thee Who art opening to us heaven and earth as
an eternal book of wisdom.
Glory to Thy eternity in the passing world.
Glory to Thee for Thy covert and overt mercies.
Glory to Thee for every sigh of my heart.
Glory to Thee for every step of life, / every moment of joy.
Glory to Thee, O God, in ages!