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The Akathist of Thanksgiving- 10 -
Kontakion 10
Whatever is destroyed cannot be restored. But Thou
revivest those whose conscience is dead and returnest
pristine beauty to the souls who lost it. Through Thy
mercifulness all is possible. Thou art Love, Thou art the
Creator and Restorer. Thee I praise with song: Alleluia!
Ikos 10
O my God, Thou who knowest that the angel of pride, the
Morning Star, hast fallen from Thee, do not let me doubt nor
depart from Thee. Sharpen my hearing so that I will always
listen to Thy mysterious voice and call upon Thee, Who art
everywhere present.

Glory to Thee Who all-wisely governest my life.
Glory to Thee for inspired premonition.
Glory to Thee for warnings in a mysterious voice.
Glory to Thee for revelations in dreams and in reality.
Glory to Thee for thwarting my useless intentions.
Glory to Thee because through sufferings Thou liberatest
me from passions.
Glory to Thee because Thou humblest my heart / and
savest me from pride.
Glory to Thee, O God, in ages!