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The Akathist of Thanksgiving- 11 -
Kontakion 11
Through all the passed chain of ages I feel the warmth of
Thy Holy Spirit and the surging of Divine Life. Thou art near,
Time is nonexistent. I see Thy Cross Á-? it is for my sake. My
spirit is humbled into dust before Thy love, limitless and
incomprehensible. Wherefore, beneath Thy Cross I will unto
ages glorify Thee, my Savior, with song: Alleluia!
Ikos 11
Blessed art those who sup with Thee in Thy kingdom.
However, blessed art those whom Thou hast already here
on earth accepted as partakers of Thy Mystic Supper. How
many times, with Thy divine hand, Thou hast allowed me, a
sinner, to receive in Holy Communion Thy Body and Blood.
And I have received the Holy and felt Thy love, ineffable and

Glory to Thee for the incomprehensible and life creating
power of grace.
Glory to Thee Who hast founded Thy Church to be for us
a quiet harbor.
Glory to Thee Who givest us rebirth through the life-giving
water of baptism.
Glory to Thee Who forgivest a sinner who repents / and
restorest in him the viceless purity of lilies.
Glory to Thee for a perpetual spring of forgiveness.
Glory to Thee for bread from heaven and the cup of life.
Glory to Thee Who art guiding us into the kingdom of
eternal joy.
Glory to Thee, O God, in ages!