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The Akathist of Thanksgiving- 12 -
Kontakion 12
Many a time I saw the reflection of Thy glory on the faces
of the deceased! With what unearthly beauty and joy their
faces shine! How transparent and immaterial become their
features! With their silence they sing of Thee. When the time
of my death cometh, enlighten, O God, my soul as well, to
sing to Thee: Alleluia!
Ikos 12
What is my praise before Thee! My ears did not hear the
song of cherubims; it is heard only by the souls of the
righteous. I know only how nature lauds Thee. I saw in
winter, how, lightened by the moonlight and beneath the
cover of snow which sparkles with silvery light, all the earth
is quietly praying to Thee. I saw how the crimson rays of the
rising sun rejoice in Thee and how choirs of birds hum
praises to Thee. I listen how mysteriously forests speak of
Thee, how winds wing, and brooks murmur Thy name; how,
with their fixed movements through limitless space, the
myriads of stars preach about Thee. What is my praise
before Thee, O Lord! Nature is obedient, and I never cease
to sadden Thee. While I live and see Thy love I want to
glorify Thee, to pray to Thee and to call upon Thee:

Glory to Thee Who hast shown us the light.
Glory to Thee Who hast loved us with deep,
immeasurable, divine love.
Glory to Thee Who protects us / with bright armies of
angels and saints.
Glory to Thee, all-holy Father, who art giving us Thy
Glory to Thee, O Holy Spirit, the life-giving sun of future
Glory to Thee for all, / Holy Trinity, divine and all good.
Glory to Thee, O God, in ages.
Kontakion 13