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The Akathist of Thanksgiving- 5 -
Kontakion 5
The tempest of life does not frighten one in whose heart
shines the light of Thy divine Fire. Around me are whirling
storms and roaring winds; terror and darkness surround me;
but in my soul is peace and light. Christ is in her. And my
heart sings: Alleluia!
Ikos 5
I look into Thy sky filled with stars. O how rich Thou art!
How much light there is in Thee! Through the light of the
distant stars Thou lookest at me from eternity. I am tiny and
destitute, but the Lord is with me. His hand is always near
me and He leads me with love in all my ways.

Glory to Thee Who continually watcheth over us.
Glory to Thee Who considereth mine every meeting with
Glory to Thee for the love of relatives / and the fidelity of
Glory to Thee for the meekness / of the domestic animals
who serve me.
Glory to Thee for the bright moments of life.
Glory to Thee for the happiness of living, seeing and
Glory to Thee, O God, in ages.