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The Akathist of Thanksgiving- 6 -
Kontakion 6
How great Thou art in the whirlwind and the storm! How
majestic is Thy hand in the swiftness of the lightning! The
voice of the Lord rises above the fields. It rustles through the
woods, it roars in the thunder. The voice of the Lord
resounds over the waters. Thy might is proclaimed by the
fire of the volcano. Thou quakest the earth and liftest the
waves of the sea into the sky. Glory to Thee to whom we
repentantly cry: Alleluia!
Ikos 6
When swift lightning illumines the night, how pitiful and
miserable our earthly candles seem. So also, deceitful
earthly joys become colorless and dark when Thy light
shines forth in the soul. Wherefore my soul struggles toward
Thee and my heart yearns for Thee.

Glory to Thee Who hast planted into manÁ-?s heart / an
unquenchable thirst for God.
Glory to Thee because nothing earthly / can completely
satisfy us.
Glory to Thee Who clothest us in light.
Glory to Thee, the conqueror of the spirits of evil and
Glory to Thee for Thy revelation, / for the blessedness of
feeling Thee and living Thee.
Glory to Thee, O God, in ages!