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The Akathist of Thanksgiving- 7 -
Kontakion 7
In the harmony of sounds I hear Thy call. In the lofty
beauty of music, in the magnificence of artistic works Thou
art allowing us to foresee Paradise. Whatever is truly
beautiful soars toward Thee and teaches the soul to sing to
Thee a victorious song: Alleluia!
Ikos 7
By Thy Holy Spirit Thou inspirest the thought of the artist,
the poet and the scientist. By the power of Thy wisdom they
prophetically enter into the mysteries of Thy laws and reveal
the depth of Thy wisdom. Even their works involuntarily
speak about Thee. O how wonderful Thou art in Thy works!
O how great Thou art in man!

Glory to Thee Who showest us / Thy might through the
laws of the cosmos.
Glory to Thou Who fillest everything.
Glory to Thee Who revealest to us according to Thy
Glory to Thee Who hidest from us according to Thy
Glory to Thee for the depth of the human mind.
Glory to Thee for the creative ability in man.
Glory to Thee for the outpouring of Thy grace.
Glory to Thee, O God, in ages!