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The Akathist of Thanksgiving- 8 -
Kontakion 8
How close to us Thou art in our days of illness. Thou
visitest the patient, Thou descendest to the bed of the
sufferer and his heart communeth with Thee. Thou kindlest
the soul with peace at the time of sorrow and suffering. Thou
sendest unexpected help. Thou art the comforter. Thou art
all-knowing love. To Thee I sing: Alleluia!
Ikos 8
When I as a child for the first time appealed to Thee, Thou
fulfilled my prayer and lightened my soul with great peace. I
understood then that Thou art good and that they are
blessed who seek refuge in Thee. Therefore I do not cease
to pray to Thee and to call upon Thee.

Glory to Thee Who fulfillest and to good purpose
completes my wishes.
Glory to Thee Who watchest over me day and night.
Glory to Thee for the time that is passing / and taking
away our sorrows and sadness.
Glory to Thee in whom nothing is lost, / for Thou grantest
to all life eternal.
Glory to Thee Who promised us / desired meetings with
our deceased ones.
Glory to Thee, O God, in ages!