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The Akathist of Thanksgiving- 9 -
Kontakion 9
Why is all nature so mysteriously smiling in the days of the
feasts? Why then is our soul so light and joyous? Why does
the air in the temple seem so bright? It is all because of the
flow of Thy grace, because of the reflection of the light of
Tabor. Heaven and earth are then singing together a
laudable song: Alleluia!
Ikos 9
When Thou inspirest me to serve my neighbors and
enlightenest my soul with humbleness, then the rays of Thy
light fall on my heart and it begins to radiate and shine. As
the sun in the waters, so in those moments in my soul is
reflected Thy infinite meekness, full of love and the
unspeakable peace of Thy radiant countenance.

Glory to Thee Who through good deeds transformeth our
Glory to Thee Who hast sealed with unspeakable
sweetness / every commandment of Thine.
Glory to Thee Who art invisibly present in the works of
Glory to Thee Who sendest upon us troubles and sorrows
/ in order to teach us to commiserate in the suffering of
Glory to Thee for the love / which Thou hast raised above
everything on earth and in heaven.
Glory to Thee, O God, in ages!