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Canons for Holy Communion
When the light of Thy truth dawned on the world, devilish delusion was driven away;
for the idols, O our Saviour, have fallen, unable to endure Thy strength. But we who
have received salvation, cry to Thee:
Jesus, the Truth, dispelling falsehood!
Jesus, the light above all lights!
Jesus, the King, surpassing all in strength!
Jesus, God, constant in mercy!
Jesus, Bread of Life, fill me who am hungry!
Jesus, Source of Knowledge, refresh me who am thirsty!
Jesus, Garment of Gladness, clothe my nakedness!
Jesus, Veil of Joy, cover mine unworthiness!
Jesus, Giver to those who ask, give me sorrow for my sins!
Jesus, Finder of those who seek, find my soul!
Jesus, Opener to those who knock, open my wretched heart!
Jesus, Redeemer of sinners, wash away my sins!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 7
Desiring to unveil the mystery hidden from the ages, Thou wast led as a sheep to the
slaughter, O Jesus, and as a lamb before its shearer. But as God Thou didst rise from
the dead and didst ascend with glory to Heaven, and along with Thyself Thou didst
raise us who cry: Alleluia!
Ekos 7
The Creator hath shown us a marvelous Creature, Who took flesh without seed from
a Virgin, rose from the tomb without breaking the seal, and entered bodily the Apostles'
room when the doors were shut. Therefore, marvelling at this we sing:
Jesus, Uncontainable Word!
Jesus, Inscrutable Intelligence!
Jesus, Incomprehensible Power!
Jesus, Inconceivable Wisdom!
Jesus, Undepictable Deity!