Canons for Holy Communion
crying, Holy, Holy, Holy! But we sinners on earth, with our frail voices cry: Alleluia!
Ekos 9
We see most eloquent orators voiceless as fish when they must speak of Thee, O Jesus
our Saviour. For it is beyond their power to tell how Thou art both perfect man and
immutable God at the same time. But we, marvelling at this Mystery, cry faithfully :
Jesus, Eternal God!
Jesus, King of Kings!
Jesus, Lord of Lords!
Jesus, Judge of the living and the dead!
Jesus, Hope of the hopeless!
Jesus, Comforter of the mournful!
Jesus, Glory of the poor!
Jesus, condemn me not according to my deeds!
Jesus, cleanse me according to Thy mercy!
Jesus, take from me despondency!
Jesus, enlighten the thoughts of my heart!
Jesus, make me ever mindful of death!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 10
Wishing to save the world, O Sunrise of the East, Thou didst come to the dark Occident
of our nature, and didst humble Thyself even to the point of death. Therefore Thy Name
is exalted above every name, and from all the tribes of heaven and earth, Thou dost
hear: Alleluia!
Ekos 10
King Eternal, Comforter, true Christ! Cleanse us from every stain as Thou didst
cleanse the Ten Lepers, and heal us as Thou didst heal the greedy soul of Zacchaeus
the publican, that we may cry to Thee with compunction and say:
Jesus, Treasury Incorruptible!
Jesus, Unfailing Wealth!