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Canons for Holy Communion
Be merciful to me and pray to God, O Angel of the Lord, for I have thee as my
defender for the whole of my life, the guide and guardian, given me by God forever.
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
Let not my sinful pilgrim soul, given thee blameless by God, be slain by robbers, O
Holy Angel, but lead it to the way of repentance.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
My whole soul is disgraced by evil thoughts and acts, but make haste, O my guide, and
grant me healing with good thoughts, that I may always follow the right way.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen
To Jesus: Fill with wisdom and divine strength all that cry with faith, through the
Mother of God, to Thee, O Personal Wisdom of the Highest: O God of our fathers,
blessed art Thou.
Eirmos: O ye works, praise the Lord God, Who descended into the fiery furnace with
the Hebrew children and changed the flame into dew, and supremely exalt Him unto
all ages.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
I implore Thee, O my Jesus: As Thou didst redeem the harlot from many sins, O my
Jesus, likewise redeem me, O Christ my Jesus, and cleanse my foul soul, O my Jesus.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
O Jesus, having yielded to irrational pleasures, I have become irrational, O my Jesus;
and wretch that I am, I have truly become like unto the beasts, O Saviour. Wherefore,
O Jesus, deliver me from irrationality.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.