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Canons for Holy Communion
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: Heal, O immaculate one, the most painful wounds of my soul, and drive
away the enemies ever fighting against me.
Lord hare mercy (thrice).
Sedalen: O Jesus my Saviour, Thou didst save the prodigal. Jesus my Saviour, Thou
didst accept the harlot. And now have mercy on me, O Jesus plenteous in mercy; have
compassion and save me, O Jesus my Benefactor, as Thou hadst compassion on
Manasseh, my Jesus, only Lover of mankind.
Kontakion: Have compassion on me, O holy Angel of the Lord, my guardian, and
leave me not, impure as I am, but irradiate me with the Divine Light, and make me
worthy of the heavenly kingdom.
Ekos: Grant my soul, humiliated by many temptations, the ineffable heavenly glory, O
holy intercessor and singer with the choirs of the fleshless hosts of God. Have mercy
and keep me, and illumine my soul with good thoughts, that I may be enriched by thy
glory, O my Angel, subdue my foes who wish me evil, and make me worthy of the
heavenly kingdom.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Sedalen: From the love of my soul I cry to thee, O guardian of my soul, my most holy
Angel! Protect and guard me always from the hunting of the evil one, and guide me to
the heavenly life, teaching and enlightening and strengthening me.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
Theotokion: O protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame, O mediation unto
the Creator unfailing, disdain not the suppliant voices of sinners; but be thou quick, O
good one, to help us who in faith cry unto thee: Hasten to intercession and speed thou
to make supplication, thou who dost ever protect, O Theotokos, them that honour thee.