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God Himself will not forgive. Jesus Christ said: If ye forgive men their trespasses, your
heavenly Father will forgive you also your trespasses. But if ye forgive not men their
trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you yours.
On the contrary to this, though you pray to God every hour, though you have such faith
that you can move mountains, even though you give away all of your belongings to the
needy, and give your body to be burned, if you do not practice forgiveness and do not
wish to forgive your enemy, then all is in vain, for in such circumstances neither prayer,
nor faith, nor charity, will save you, in short, nothing will save you.
But if it is needful to forgive our enemies, so likewise it is indispensable to ask also
forgiveness of those people whom we have offended. Thus, if you have offended anyone
by word, ask forgiveness of him, come and bow down at his feet and say, "Forgive me."
Have you offended by deed? Endeavor to expiate your guilt and offenses and recompense
his damage, then be certain that all of your sins, no matter how heavy they be, will be
forgiven you.
It is necessary to reveal your sins properly and without any concealment. Some say, "For
what reason should I reveal my sins to Him Who knows all of our secrets?" Certainly
God knows all of our sins, but the Church, which has the power from God to forgive and
absolve sins, cannot know them, and for this reason She cannot, without confession,
pronounce Her absolution.
Finally, it is necessary to set forth a firm intention to live prudently in the future. If you
want to be in the kingdom of heaven, if you want God to forgive your sins - then stop
sinning! Only on this condition does the Church absolve the penitent of his sins. And he
who does not think at all about correcting himself confesses in vain, labors in vain, for
even if the priest says, "I forgive and absolve," the Holy Spirit does not forgive and
absolve him!
From Orthodox Life, vol. 38, no. 4 (July-August, 1988), pp. 20-22.