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I have sinned by unnecessary and excessive laughter, by reviling and dwelling upon my
previous sins, by arrogant behavior, insolence and lack of respect.
I have sinned by not keeping my physical and spiritual passions in check, by my
enjoyment of impure thoughts, licentiousness and unchastity in thoughts, words and
I have sinned by lack of endurance towards my illnesses and sorrows, a devotion to the
comforts of life and by being too attached to my parents, children, relatives and friends.
I have sinned by hardening my heart, having a weak will and by not forcing myself to do
I have sinned by miserliness, a love of money, the acquisition of unnecessary things and
immoderate attachment to things.
I have sinned by self-justification, a disregard for the admonitions of my conscience and
failing to confess my sins through negligence or false pride.
I have sinned many times by my Confession: belittling, justifying and keeping silent
about sins.
I have sinned against the Most-holy and Life-creating Mysteries of the Body and Blood
of our Lord by coming to Holy Communion without humility or the fear of God.
I have sinned in deed, word and thought, knowingly and unknowingly, willingly and
unwillingly, thoughtfully and thoughtlessly, and it is impossible to enumerate all of my
sins because of their multitude. But I truly repent of these and all others not mentioned by
me because of my forgetfulness and I ask that they be forgiven through the abundance of
the Mercy of God.