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with studies of the Holy Scriptures and reading of
spiritual books endorsed by the Church.
Passivity and indifference to Christian Teachings and
absence of spiritual interests. This state is the result of
a lazy mind and spiritual drowsiness. In a spiritually
passive individual, the truth of faith is not rejected but
simply ignored, thereby not allowing it to illuminate
the mind with ChristÁ-?s Teachings. Signs of passivity:
absence of thoughts on God, lack of love and gratitude
to Him, indifference to the participation in the life
Passivity engenders lukewarm relationship with God
and to the purpose of saving oneÁ-?s soul. Even though
a person may pray, this spiritual tepidness emerges
because of his inattentiveness and the feeling of be-
ing obliged to do it. In relation to Church Services,
this feeling is reflected in rare and irregular church
attendances, in inattentiveness or conversing dur-
ing Church Services, unnecessary walking inside the
church, distraction of other people through requests
and comments and coming late or leaving early during
the Service.
The sin of indifference to the Mystery of repentance is
usually seen through infrequent confessionals, in pref-
erence for general confessions (rather than individual
ones) thereby avoiding personal discomfort, in not
wanting to deeply understand yourself, in maintaining
an unrepentant and proud attitude, in the unwilling-
ness to abandon sinful behaviour, to eradicate sordid
leanings and conquer temptations: instead Á-¦ strive to
minimise the gravity of sin, to justify yourself and not
reveal the more shameless deeds and thoughts.
It must be remembered that a person that partakes of
Sacraments without the necessary preparation and
not cleansing his soul through repentance, commits a
grave sin and will bring upon himself more harm than
good. After Holy Communion, he soon forgets that he
has the Holy Gifts within him and quickly returns to
his old iniquitous and sinful habits.
Reasons for passivity: attachment to earthly blessings
and various pleasures. In its entirety, this sin leads to