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absence of awareness of GodÁ-?s grace and His nearness
to us and as a consequence, that person becomes a
Christian in name while being a pagan in his lifestyle.
Stickler of the law Á-¦ adherence to the letter of the
law, extreme and fanatical commitment to the outward
facet of church life, oblivious as to its meaning and
purpose. Belief in salvation through the strict and ac-
curate though perfunctory carrying out of ritual acts á+
without realising their inner meaning Á-¦ is testimony
to a flawed conviction and a decrease in the true trea-
sures of faith (Romans 7:6). This type of conviction
arises from insufficient immersion into the good News
from Christ, Who gave us the ability to be His servants
of the New Testament Á-¦ not to the word, but to the
spirit, because "Á-¬the letter kills, but the Spirit gives
life" (2 Cor. 3:6).
A stickler of the law testifies to an inadequate compre-
hension of the ChurchÁ-?s teachings and non-conformity
to its majesty, or to an indiscriminate zeal in serving
old customs.
Lack of trust in God through the absence of belief in
that our life with all its minutest details is in GodÁ-?s
hands, Who loves us and is concerned for our salva-
tion. This lack of trust occurs through not having a
living relationship with Him and being engulfed in
earthly interests.
This sin engenders ungratefulness toward God, de-
spondency, pusillanimity and not being concerned for
the future, anxious efforts to insure oneself against
suffering and This sin is exhibited to avoid ordeals,
and in instances of misfortune Á-¦ to remonstrate
against God. The antithesis to this á+ placing all your
faith in God & having total trust in His fatherly con-
cern for us.
Complaining. This sin is a consequence of not hav-
ing trusted in God, which in turn may lead to a falling
away from Church and total loss of faith.
Ungratefulness to God. Many people turn to God
when faced with trials and tribulations, yet during aus-
picious periods, they forget Him, not realising that all
the benefits they receive are from Him. It is essential
to compel yourself daily to thank God for his mercy
Á-¦ especially, for sending His Son, who suffered for