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The Great Canon Á-? On Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent - Page 24 of 59
Thou hast wrought salvation in the midst of the earth, O
merciful Creator, that we may be saved. Thou wast
voluntarily crucified on the Tree: Eden that was closed is
open; things on high and below, creation and all peoples are
saved and worship Thee.
(Psalm 73:12)
May the blood and water that wells from Thy side be a font
for me and a draught of forgiveness, that I may be cleansed,
anointed and refreshed by both as with drink and unction by
Thy living words, O Word.
(John 19:34; Acts 7:38)
I am bereft of the bridal hall, I am bereft of the marriage
and supper. My lamp has gone out for want of oil, the door
has been locked while I was asleep; the supper is eaten; and
I, bound hand and foot, am cast outside.
(Matthew 25; Luke 14:7-35; Matthew
The Church has acquired Thy life-giving side as a chalice,
from which gushes forth for us a twofold torrent of
forgiveness and knowledge as a type of the two covenants,
Old and New, O our Savior.
Brief is my lifetime and full of pain and wickedness, but
accept me in penitence and recall me to awareness of Thee.
May I never be the possession or food of the enemy. O
Savior, have compassion on me.
(Genesis 47:9)
Boastful I am, and hard-hearted, all in vain and for nothing.
Condemn me not with the Pharisee, but rather grant me the
humility of the Publican, O only merciful and just Judge, and
number me with him.
(Luke 18:9-14)
I have sinned, I know, O merciful Lord, and outraged the
vessel of my flesh, but accept me in penitence and recall me
to awareness of Thee. May I never be the possession or
food of the enemy. O Savior, have compassion on me.