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The Great Canon Á-? On Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent - Page 54 of 59
Christ became man and called to repentance robbers and
harlots. Repent, my soul! The door of the Kingdom is already
open, and the transformed pharisees, publicans and
adulterers are seizing it ahead of you.
(Matthew 21:31; 11:12)
Christ became a babe and conversed in the flesh with me,
and he voluntarily experienced all that pertains to our nature,
apart from sin; and He showed you, my soul, an example
and image of His own condescension.
(Matthew 1:25)
Christ saved wise men, called shepherds, made crowds of
infants martyrs, glorified old men and aged widows, whose
deeds and life, my soul, you have not emulated. But woe
unto you when you are judged!
(Matthew 2:12; Luke 2:9-12; Matthew 2:16; Luke 2:2 5-38)
When the Lord had fasted for forty days in the wilderness,
He at last became hungry, showing His human nature. Do
not be despondent, my soul, if the enemy attacks you, but let
him be beaten off by prayer and fasting.
(Matthew 4:1-11; 17:21; Mark 9:29)
Christ was tempted, the devil was tempting Him, showing
Him stones to be turned into bread; and he led Him up a
mountain to see all the kingdoms of the world in a flash.
Dread, my soul, the scene; watch and pray at every hour to
(Matthew 4:3-9; 26:41)
The desert-loving dove, the lamp of Christ, the Voice
crying in the wilderness sounded, preaching repentance;
while Herod sinned with Herodias. See, my soul, that you
are not caught in the toils of sin, but embrace repentance.
(Mark 1:3; Matthew 14: 3)
The Forerunner of grace dwelt in the desert and all Judea
and Samaria ran to hear him; and they confessed their sins,
and eagerly received baptism. But you, my soul, have not
imitated them.
(Matthew 3:5-6)