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The Great Canon Á-? On Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent - Page 57 of 59
O my Judge and my Light Who alone knowest me and art
coming again with Thine Angels to judge the whole world,
regard me then with Thy merciful Eye and spare me, O
Jesus. And have compassion on me who have sinned more
than all mankind.
(Matthew 25:31-32)
Holy mother Mary, pray for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt:
Thou didst astonish all by thy strange life, both
the Orders of Angels and the councils of men, by living
immaterially and surpassing nature. Then treading firmly the
waves like an immaterial being, O Mary, thou didst cross the
Jordan an.
Holy mother Mary, pray for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt:
Intercede with the Creator on behalf of those
who praise thee, holy mother, that we may be delivered from
the sufferings and afflictions which beset us on all sides, that
being delivered from our temptations, we may unceasingly
magnify the Lord Who glorified thee.
Holy father Andrew, pray for us.
To St. Andrew of Crete:
Venerable Andrew, thrice-blessed father,
shepherd of Crete, cease not to pray to God for those who
sing of thee, that He may deliver from anger, oppression,
corruption and our countless sins, all of us who faithfully
honor thy memory .
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
To The Trinity:
Trinity of one essence, Tri-Personal Unity, we sing
Thy praise, glorifying the Father, magnifying the Son, and
adoring the Spirit, Who art truly one God by nature, Life and
Lives, Kingdom unending.