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The Great Canon Á-? On Monday of the First Week - Page 10 of 20
Song 5.
Out of the night watching early for Thee,
enlighten me, I pray, O Lover of men, and guide even
me in Thy commandments, and teach me, O Savior,
to do Thy will.
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
I have passed my life ever in night, for the night of sin has
been to me thick fog and darkness; but make me, O Savior,
a son of the day.
(Ephesians 5:8)
Like Reuben, wretch that I am, I have planned an
unprincipled and lawless act against God Most High, having
defiled my bed as he defiled that of his father.
(Genesis 35:21; 49:3-4)
I confess to Thee, O Christ my King: I have sinned, I have
sinned, like Joseph's brothers of old, who sold the fruit of
purity and chastity.
(Genesis 37)
His brothers gave up righteous Joseph, that sweet soul was
sold into slavery, as a type of the Lord; and you, my soul,
have sold yourself completely to your vices.
(Genesis 37:27-28)
Imitate, wretched and worthless soul, righteous Joseph and
his pure mind, and do not be wanton with irrational desires,
ever transgressing.
(Genesis 39:7-23)
If Joseph of old also occupied a pit, O Sovereign Lord, yet it
was as a type of Thy Burial and Rising. But will I ever offer
Thee anything like it?
(Genesis 37)