St Andrew, Archbishop of Crete.
Commemorated July 4
From the Prologue
Born in Damascus of Christian parents, he was dumb until the age of seven. When his
parents took him to church for Communion, the power of speech was given to him. Such
is the divine power of Communion.
He went to Jerusalem at the age of fourteen and was tonsured in the monastery of St
Sava the Sanctified. In his understanding and ascesis, he surpassed many of the older
monks and was an example to all. The Patriarch took him as his secretary.
When the Monothelite heresy, which taught that the Lord had no human will but only a
divine one, began to rage, the Sixth Ecumenical Council met in Constantinople in 681,
in the reign of Constantine IV. Theodore, Patriarch of Jerusalem, was not able to be
present at the Council, and sent Andrew, then a deacon, as his representative. At the
Council, Andrew showed his great gifts: his articulateness, his zeal for the Faith and his
rare prudence. Being instrumental in confirming the Orthodox faith, Andrew returned to
his work in Jerusalem.
He was later chosen and enthroned as archbishop of the island of Crete. As archbishop,
he was greatly beloved by the people. He was filled with zeal for Orthodoxy and
strongly withstood all heresy. He worked miracles through his prayers, driving the
Saracens from the island of Crete by means of them. He wrote many learned books,
poems and canons, of which the best-known is the Great Canon of Repentance which is
read in full on the Thursday of the Fifth Week of the Great Fast.
Such was his outward appearance that, 'looking at his face and listening to the words
that flowed like honey from his lips, each man was touched and renewed'. Returning
from Constantinople on one occasion, he foretold his death before reaching Crete. And
so it happened. As the ship approached the island of Mitylene, this light of the Church
finished his earthly course and his soul went to the Kingdom of Christ, in about the year
From The Prologue From Ochrid by Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich áL1985 Lazarica Press, Birmingham UK