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The Great Canon Á-? On Thursday of the First Week - Page 1 of 20
On Thursday of the First Week of Lent, during Great Compline, after Psalm 69, the Canon is
sung. The Eirmosi are sung twice, at the beginning and end of each Song. Before each Troparion
we make the sign of the Cross and bow three times.
Song 1.
Tone 6.
He is my Helper and Protector, and has become
my salvation. This is my God and I will glorify Him. My
father's God and I will exalt Him. For gloriously has
He been glorified.
(Exodus 15:2, 1; Psalm 117:14)
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
O Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of all, take from
me the heavy yoke of sin, and in Thy compassion grant me
tears of compunction.
(John 1:29)
I fall prostrate before Thee, O Jesus. I have sinned against
Thee, be merciful to me. Take from me the heavy yoke of
sin, and in Thy compassion grant me tears of compunction.
Enter not into judgment with me, by recording my deeds,
demanding an account of my words, and examining my
motives and desires. But in Thy compassion disregard my
terrible past and save me, O God All-Powerful.
It is time for repentance. I draw near to Thee, my Creator.
Take from me the heavy yoke of sin, and in Thy compassion
grant me tears of compunction.
I have squandered in profligacy the substance of my soul,
and I am barren of virtues and piety; but famished I cry: O