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The Great Canon Á-? On Thursday of the First Week - Page 10 of 20
Song 5.
Out of the night watching early for Thee,
enlighten me, I pray, O Lover of men, and guide even
me in Thy commandments, and teach me, O Savior,
to do Thy will.
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
Imitate, my soul, the woman bent earthward; come and fall
down at the feet of Jesus, that He may straighten you to
walk upright in the footsteps of the Lord.
(Luke 13:11)
Though Thou art a deep well, O Lord, pour on me streams
from Thy immaculate wounds, that like the Samaritan
woman I may drink and thirst no more; for from Thee gush
rivers of life.
(John 4:13-15)
May my tears be for me a Siloam, O Sovereign Lord, that I
may wash the eyes of my soul and mentally see Thee Who
art that light which was before creation.
(John 9:7; Genesis 1:2-19)
Holy mother Mary, pray for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt:
Thou, all-blessed one, didst yearn with
matchless love and longing to worship the Tree of Life, and
thy desire was granted; make us also worthy to attain to the
glory on high.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy