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The Great Canon Á-? On Thursday of the First Week - Page 15 of 20
To St. Mary of Egypt:
By crying to the immaculate Mother of God,
thou didst repel the rage of passions which once violently
harassed thee, and didst put to shame the enemy tempter.
But now grant me, thy servant, also help out of trouble.
Holy mother Mary, pray for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt:
He Whom thou lovest, He Whom thou desires,
He on Whose track thou camest, mother, found thee and
granted thee repentance, for He is God Who alone is
compassionate. Implore Him unceasingly to deliver us from
passions and adversities.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
To The Trinity:
0 Trinity simple and undivided, of one essence and,
one nature, Lights and Light, three Holies and one Holy, God
the Trinity is hymned. But sing, my soul, and glorify the Life
and Lives, the God of all.
Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
We sing of thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, O
Mother of God, for thou gavest birth to one of the
inseparable Trinity, the one Son and God, and to us on earth
thou hast opened the heavenly realms.