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The Great Canon Á-? On Thursday of the First Week - Page 7 of 20
Song 4.
The Prophet heard of Thy coming, O Lord, and
was afraid that Thou wast to be born of a Virgin and
appear to men, and he said, "I have heard the report
of Thee and am afraid." Glory to Thy power, O Lord
(Habbakuk 3:2)
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
Brief is my lifetime and full of pain and wickedness, but
accept me in penitence and recall me to awareness of Thee.
May I never be the possession or food of the enemy. O
Savior, have compassion on me.
(Genesis 47:9)
The opulent and righteous man, arrayed in royal dignity,
crown and purple, abounding in wealth and cattle, was
suddenly shorn of his riches, glory and kingdom and became
a beggar.
If he who was righteous and blameless beyond all did not
escape the snares and nets of the deceiver, what will you
do, my soul, who are sin-loving and wretched, if something
unexpected happens to you?
Boastful I am, and hard-hearted, all in vain and for nothing.
Condemn me not with the Pharisee, but rather grant me the
humility of the Publican, O only merciful and just Judge, and
number me with him.
(Luke 18:9-14)
I have sinned, I know, O merciful Lord, and outraged the
vessel of my flesh, but accept me in penitence and recall me