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The Great Canon Á-? On Tuesday of the First Week - Page 18 of 19
Christ braced the paralytic and he carried his bed; He raised
up the dead young man, the son of the widow, and the
Centurion's servant; and by revealing Himself to the
Samaritan woman, He traced in advance for you, my soul,
how to worship in spirit.
(Matthew 9:2-7; Luke 7:14; Matthew 8:6-13; John 4:26; Josh. 4:24)
The Lord healed the woman with hemorrhage by the touch
of His hem, cleansed lepers, gave sight to the blind, and
cured cripples; the deaf and the dumb and the woman bent
earthward he healed with His word, that you, wretched soul,
might be saved.
(Matthew 9:20-22; 10:8; 11:5; Luke 13:11-13)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
To The Trinity:
Let us glorify the Father, exalt the Son, and
faithfully worship the Divine Spirit, inseparable Trinity, Unity
in essence, as the Light and Lights, the Life and Lives, giving
life and light to the ends of the earth.
Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Protect thy city, spotless Mother of God, for in thee it
faithfully reigns, and in thee is made strong, and through
thee it conquers and routs every trial and temptation, and
spoils its foes and rules its subjects.
Holy father Andrew, pray for us.
To St. Andrew of Crete:
Venerable Andrew, thrice-blessed father,
shepherd of Crete, cease not to pray to God for those who
sing of thee, that He may deliver from anger, oppression,
corruption and our countless sins, all of us who faithfully
honor thy memory .