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The Great Canon Á-? On Wednesday of the First Week - Page 4 of 20
See, see that I am God, Who rained manna
and made water spout from the rock of old for my people in
the wilderness, by My right hand, and by My strength alone.
See, see that I am God: give ear, my soul, to the Lord Who
is appealing to you, and tear yourself from your former sin,
and fear Him as the Avenger, and as your Judge and God.
(Deuteronomy 32:35; Hebrews 10:30)
Whom do you resemble, O most sinful soul? Surely the first
Cain and that wicked Lamech. For you have stoned your
body with evil deeds, and you have murdered your mind with
irrational appetites.
(Genesis 4; 4:23)
Running through all who lived before the Law, my soul, you
have not been like Seth, nor imitated Enos, nor Enoch by
translation, nor Noah. But you are seen to be bereft of the
life of the righteous.
(Genesis 5)
You alone have opened the cataracts of the wrath of God,
my soul, and have flooded as the earth all your flesh and
actions and life, and have remained outside the Ark of
(Genesis 6-8)
Holy mother Mary, pray for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt:
With all eagerness and love thou didst run to
Christ, abandoning thy former way of sin. And being
nourished in the untrodden wilderness, thou didst chastely
fulfill His divine commandments.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy