Great Compline Page 34 of 50
O Lord of hosts, be with usÁ-¬
And the second choir:
Stichos 2:
Praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him according to
the multitude of His greatness.
O Lord of hosts, be with usÁ-¬
The first choir:
Stichos 3:
Praise Him with the sound of Trumpet, praise Him with
the psaltery and harp.
O Lord of hosts, be with usÁ-¬
The second choir:
Stichos 4:
Praise Him with timbrel and dance, praise Him with
strings and flute.
O Lord of hosts, be with usÁ-¬
The first choir:
Stichos 5:
Praise Him with tuneful cymbals, praise Him with cymbals
of jubilation. Let every breath praise the Lord.
O Lord of hosts, be with usÁ-¬
Then both choirs, having come down from the kleros together, chant this stichos:
Stichos 6:
Praise ye God in His saints, praise Him in the firmament
of His power.
O Lord of hosts, be with usÁ-¬
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
O Lord, if we had not had Thy saints as intercessors, * and
Thy goodness being merciful to us, * how should we have
dared, O Savior, to hymn Thee, * Whom angels do
unceasingly glorify? * O Thou that knowest the hearts,