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Great Compline Page 46 of 50
Prayer IX, to the Most Holy Theotokos

O good Mother of the Good King, most pure and blessed
Theotokos Mary, do thou pour out the mercy of thy Son and our
God upon my passionate soul, and by thine intercessions guide
me unto good works, that I may pass the remaining time of my life
without blemish, and attain paradise through thee, O Virgin
Theotokos, who alone art pure and blessed.
Prayer X, to the Holy Guardian Angel

O Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and
body, forgive me all wherein I have sinned this day, and deliver
me from all opposing evil of mine enemy, lest I anger my God by
any sin. Pray for me, a sinful and unworthy servant, that thou
mayest show me forth worthy of the kindness and mercy of the
All-holy Trinity, and of the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ, and of
all the saints. Amen.
Then, the Kontakion of the Theotokos:

To Thee the Champion Leader, we thy servants dedicate a feast
of victory and of thanksgiving, as ones rescued out of sufferings,
O Theotokos; but as thou art one with might which is invincible,
from all dangers that can be, do thou deliver us, that we may cry
to thee: Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!

Most glorious Ever-Virgin, Mother of Christ God, present our
prayer to thy Son and our God, that through thee our souls may
be saved

All my hope I place in thee, O Mother of God: keep me under thy

O Virgin Theotokos, disdain not me a sinner, needing thy help and
thy protection, and have mercy on me, for my soul hath hoped in