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If we be serving the moleben for the ailing, this troparion, 4th Tone:
O Christ, Who alone art quick to help, show from on high a speedy
visitation to Thy suffering servant(s), and deliver him (her)(them)
from illness and bitter pain, and raise him (her)(them) up to praise
and glorify Thee unceasingly, through the intercessions of the
Theotokos, O only Lover of mankind.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both
now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
As once, O Saviour, Thou didst raise up Peter's mother-in-law, and
the paralysed man who was carried on his bed, so also now, O
Compassionate One, visit and heal Thy suffering servant(s), lying
on the bed of sickness, and wounded with a mortal wound, for
Thou alone didst bear the infirmities, pains and diseases of our
race, and Thou canst do all things, for Thou art plenteous in