I raise my hands and lips in thy praise, defiled as they are by impurity, O
all immaculate one.
Deliver me from soul corrupting evils, and fervently intercede with Christ,
to Whom is due honour and worship, now and ever, and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ:
O my plenteously merciful and all merciful God, Lord Jesus Christ,
through Thy great love Thou didst come down and become incarnate so
that Thou mightest save all. And again, O Saviour. save me by Thy grace,
I pray Thee. For if Thou shouldst save me for my works, this would not be
grace or a gift, but rather a duty; yea, Thou Who art great in compassion
and ineffable in mercy. For he that believeth in Me, Thou hast said, O my
Christ, shall live and never see death. If, then, faith in Thee saveth the des-
perate, behold, I believe, save me, for Thou art my God and Creator. Let
faith instead of works be imputed to me, O my God, for Thou wilt find no
works which could justify me. But may my faith suffice instead of all
works, may it answer for, may it acquit me, may it make me a partaker of
Thine eternal glory. And let Satan not seize me and boast, O Word, that he
hath torn me from Thy hand and fold. But whether I desire it or not, save
me, O Christ my Saviour, forestall me quickly, quickly, for I perish. Thou
art my God from my mother's womb. Vouchsafe me, O Lord, to love Thee
now as fervently as I once loved sin itself, and also to work for Thee with-
out idleness, diligently, as I worked before for deceptive Satan. But
supremely shall I work for Thee, my Lord and God, Jesus Christ, all the
days of my life, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer IX, to the Holy Guardian Angel: