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Holy Baptism
From the Scriptures and the Fathers
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in the presence of others. He seeks one thing only: that he who
benefits by the forgiveness make learn the greatness of the gift.

In the sacred Mysteries, then, we depict His burial and proclaim His
death. By them we are begotten and formed and wondrously united
to the Savior, for they are the means by which, as St. Paul says, "in
Him we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28). Baptism
confers being and in short, existence according to Christ. It receives
us when we are dead and corrupted and first leads us into life. The
anointing with chrism perfects him who has received [new] birth by
infusing in to him the energy that befits such a life. The Holy
Eucharist preserves and continues this life and health, since the Bread
of life enables us to preserve that which has been acquired and to
continue in life. It is therefore by this Bread that we live and by the
chrism that we are moved, once we have received being from the
baptismal washing. In this way we live in God.
St. John Chrysostom, Baptismal Instructions.
St. Nicholas Cabasilas, The Life in Christ.