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What does this mean - to be broken? In our soul, we hear, a still small voice: "The sacrifices of God are
a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise." (Psa 50:17). We remember
when the Good Samaritan dressed the wounds of the man by the road. Sometimes a wound must be
lanced - broken, in order for the pus to be drained, so that a healing balm may be added. So now we
understand! We must be broken in order for us to heal.

However, just as the body dreads being hurt, so does our pride resist being broken. O Lord, help us to
throw ourselves upon Thee, and be broken, that we would become whole! Our pride restrains us, so
with trembling we beg Thee, as Thou didst do to those out in the highways and lanes, COMPEL us to
fall upon Thee! We are too weak to always make this choice, but we desire to! With St John the
Damascene we cry: "But whether I will it or not, save me!" (Evening prayers, Prayer of St John
Damascene which is to be said while pointing to the bed).
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