Master and Lord, who visits us in mercy and compassion
and hast granted us, humble sinners and Thy unworthy
servants the grace to stand at Thy holy Altar and to offer to
Thee this dread sacrifice without shedding of blood for our
own sins and those committed in ignorance by the people,
look on me, Thy unprofitable servant and wipe away my
transgressions through Thy compassion and purify my lips
and my heart from every defilement of flesh and spirit, and
banish from me every base and unseemly thought, and
enable me for this ministry by the power of Thy all-holy
Spirit, and accept me through Thy goodness as I approach
Thy holy altar, and be well pleased, Lord, for these gifts to
be acceptable that are offered through our hands, being
gracious to my weaknesses, and do not cast me away from
Thy presence.
Do not despise my unworthiness, but have mercy on me, O
God, in accordance with Thy great mercy and according to
the abundance of Thy compassion disregard my offences,
so that, coming into the presence of Thy glory with
condemnation, I may be found worthy of the protection of
Thy only-begotten Son and the illumination of Thy all-holy
Spirit, but as Thy servant may I find grace, mercy and
forgiveness of sins both in this present age and in the age to
come. Yes, Master almighty and all-powerful, listen to my
supplication and grant me reprieve from my evil deeds, for it
is Thou who workest all in all, and in all things we seek from
Thee Thy help and assistance and that of Thy only-begotten
Son and Thy good, life-giving and consubstantial Spirit, now
and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
From the Liturgy of St James,
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