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That they may be given the word at their lips, and the power in the
word, strength and boldness, for the uprooting of every heresy,
blasphemy and deceit, wickedness and every disturbance of good
order, unto the implanting of the right Faith and devotion and of all
good Church order and of good morals, by the grace of the Holy
Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.
That He may hearken unto this fervent prayer of us sinners, and
mercifully fulfill it, let us pray to the Lord.
Here the Litany continues as usual with the Petition, "That we may be delivered from all tribulation."
After the Entrance with the Gospel, the Tropar and Kontakion of Pentecost are sung, and the
Theotokion "O Protection of Christians."
The Prokeimenon of the Day [if it is to be sung], and the following:
Prokeimenon T. 4:
Thy good Spirit* Shall lead us in the land of uprightness.
Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us.