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After the Gospel, at the Litany say this Petition
Again we pray for
(here the hierarchy and Bishops who have gathered are mentioned by
and for all the clerics who have gathered at this holy Sobor in the
name of the Lord, that the Lord our God will send down upon them
the grace and gift of the All-Holy Spirit, and enlighten their mind
with the light of His Divine understanding and truth, and make
clear their lips and tongue, that they may counsel, proclaim and
order all things unto the greater glory of His holy name, unto the
confirmation of the Orthodox faith, the edification of the faithful
people, and the furtherance of good Church order and good
morals, and the uprooting and extermination of every heresy,
disorder and wickedness, and do all things perfectly by the power
and action and indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
The choir sings "Lord have mercy" thrice with the greatest sweet-singing.
The rest of the Divine Liturgy follows as usual, and after the Communion Verse of the day, the
following is sung in T. 8:
Take not Thy Holy Spirit from us, we pray Thee, O Lover of
Mankind. Alleluia.