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Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
- 14 -
At the end of the second part:
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and
to the Holy Spirit
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Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of Thy
departed servant.
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Pokoy, Gospodi, dooshee oosopsheekh
rab tvoeekh.
Now and ever, and to the ages of ages.
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Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of Thy
departed servant.
ï?ï+ï¦ï+ï¦, ï?ï+ÿ¦ï©ï+ï¦ïT, ï¦ÿ¬ÿTïT ÿ¬ÿ¦ï+ï©ÿTïTÿ- ÿ-ï¦ï¦
Pokoy, Gospodi, dooshee oosopsheekh
rab tvoeekh.
And the Small Litany (ï°ï¦ï¦ï¦ÿ¦ ï¦ï¦ÿ-ï¦ï+ïTÿ¦):
Deacon: Again and again, in peace let us
pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Again let us pray for the repose
of the soul(s) of the departed servant(s)
of God, and that he (they) may be
pardoned all his (their) sins, voluntary
and involuntary.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: The mercies of God, the
kingdom of heaven, and the forgiveness
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Yeshche molimsya o oopokoyenie
dooshe oosohpshago raba tvoyego
Aleksandra i o yezhe prostiti yemoo
vsyakomy pregreshehneeya volnomoo
zhe i ne volnomoo
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