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Requiem Service for Non-Orthodox
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of his (their) sins, let us ask of Christ,
our immortal King and our God.
Choir: Grant this, o Lord.
Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Priest: For Thou art the resurrection, the
life, and the repose of Thy departed
servant(s), O Christ our God, and to
Thee we send up glory, with Thy
Eternal Father, and Thy all-holy and
good and life-giving Spirit, now and
ever, and to the ages of ages.
Choir: Amen
ï+ï¦ÿTï¦ï¨ï+ ï©ÿ-ï+ÿ¦ïTï+.
Milosti bozhiye, tsarstvo nebesnoye, i
ostavleniye grehov yego, oo Hrista
bezsmertnago tsarya i Boga nashego
ïãï+ÿ-: ï?ï+ï¦ï¦ï¦, ï?ï+ÿ¦ï©ï+ï¦ïT.
ï¦ïTï¦ï¦ï+ï+: ï?ï+ÿ¦ï©ï+ï¦ÿ¬ ï©ï+ï+ï+ï¦ïTï+ÿ¦ÿ¦.
ïãï+ÿ-: ï?ï+ÿ¦ï©ï+ï¦ïT, ï©ï+ï+ïTï¦ÿ¬ï¦.
ï¦ï¦ÿ¦ÿ+ï¦ï+ï+ïTï¦: ï¦ï¦ï+ ï-ÿ- ï¦ÿ¦ïT ï¦ï+ÿ¦ï¦ÿ-ï¦ÿ¦ï¦ï+ïTï¦,
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Yako ty yesi voskresehniye i zhivot i
pokoy oosohpshagoraba tvoyego
Aleksandra, Hristye Bozhe nash, i
Tebye Slava vosylayem, soh
Beznachalnym tvoeem Otsem i
presvyatym i blageem i
zheevotvoryashcheem tvoeem Doohom,
nynye i prisno i vo vyeki vekov
ïãï+ÿ-: ï-ï+ïTï+ÿ-.