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Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
- 16 -
And the Ikos (ï?ï¦ï+ÿ¦ÿ+) is sung:
Thou alone art immortal, who didst
make and mould man. But we mortals
were formed from earth, and to the earth
we return, as Thou who created me did
command and say to me, "Thou art
earth, and to the earth shall thou return,"
where all we mortals are going, and for
a funeral dirge we make the song:
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
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ï©ï+ï¦ï¦ï¦ïTï¦ ï¦ÿ¦ïT, ÿ¦ï+ïTï¦ï¦ï¦ÿ-ï¦ ï+ÿ¦, ïT ÿ-ï¦ï¦ïTï¦
ï+ïT: / ï¦ï¦ï+ ïTï¦ï+ï¦ÿ¦ ï¦ÿ¦ïT ïT ï¦ ïTï¦ï+ï¦ÿ¦
ï+ÿ-ÿ-ï¦ï¦ÿTïT, / ï¦ï+ï+ïTï¦ ï¦ÿ¦ï¦ ÿ+ï¦ï¦ï+ï¦ï¦ÿ+ÿ-
ï©ï+ï¦ï¦ï¦ï+, / ï+ï¦ï¦ï¨ÿ-ï+ï¦ï+ï+ï¦ ÿ-ÿ-ï¦ï¦ï+ïTï¦
ÿ-ï¦ï+ÿ-ÿ¦ÿ+ï¦ ï©ï¦ÿ¦ï+ÿ-: ï-ï¦ï¦ïTï¦ÿ¬ïTÿ¦, ï¦ï¦ï¦ïTï¦ÿ¬ïTÿ¦,
And the Dismissal (ï·ÿ-ï©ÿ¬ÿ¦ÿ-):
Priest: Glory to Thee, O Christ, our God
and our hope, glory to Thee.
ï¦ï¦ÿ¦ÿ+ï¦ï+ï+ïTï¦: ï¦ï¦ï¦ï¦ï¦ ï-ï¦ï¦ï¦, ïãÿ-ïTÿ¦ï¦ ï-ï+ïTï¦,
ÿ¬ï©ï+ï¦ï¦ï+ïTï¦ ï+ï¦ÿTï¦, ÿ¦ï¦ï¦ï¦ï¦ ï-ï¦ï¦ï¦.
Choir: Glory to the Father, and to the
Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and
ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Lord, have mercy. (Thrice). Father,
ïãï+ÿ-: ï¦ï¦ï¦ï¦ï¦ ï·ÿ-ÿ+ÿ¬ ïT ï¦ÿ-ï+ÿ¬ ïT ï¦ï¦ÿ¦ÿ-ï+ï+ÿ¬
ï¦ÿ¬ÿ-ÿ¬, ï+ÿ-ï+ï¦ ïT ï©ÿ-ïTÿ¦ï+ï+, ïT ï¦ï+ï¦ï¦ï¦ïT ï¦ï¦ï¦ï+ï¦.
ï-ï+ïTï+ÿ-. ï?ï+ÿ¦ï©ï+ï¦ïT, ï©ï+ï+ïTï¦ÿ¬ï¦ (ÿ-ÿ-ïTïTï¦ÿ-).
Priest: May Christ our true God, Who
has dominion over both the living and
the dead, give rest to the soul of His
servant (name), and have mercy upon
us, in that He is good and loveth
ï¦ï¦ÿ¦ÿ+ï¦ï+ï+ïTï¦: xxx
Choir: Amen.
ïãï+ÿ-: ï-ï+ïTï+ÿ-.
Priest: Give, O Lord, to Thy servant
(name) eternal rest, and memory eternal!
Podazh Gospodi oosopshemoo raboo
tvoyemoo, Aleksandroo vechny pokoy i
sotvori yemoo Vechnooyoo Pamat.
Vo blazhenom oospeni-ee, vechny
pokoy, podazh Gospodi oosopshemoo
raboo tvoye moo, Aleksandroo, i
sotvori yemoo Vechnooyoo Pamat.
Choir: Memory eternal! (thrice)
ïãï+ÿ-: ï-ï•ï¬ï?ï-ï¦ ï?ï-ï°ï¦ï-ï-. (ï-ÿ-ïTïTï¦ÿ-)