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Divine Liturgy of St BasilÁ-? The Epistle - 21 -
Peace be unto all.
And the reader saith:
Reader: And to thy spirit.
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And the reader, the Prokeimenon, from the Psalms of David. And
after the Prokeimenon, the Deacon:
And the reader, the title of the Epistle
Reader: The reading is from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Romans or to the Corinthians, or to
the Galations
Let us attend!
And when the epistle is concluded, the priest sayeth:
Peace be unto Thee
that readest.
Reader: And to thy Spirit.
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Reader: Alleluia in the ____Tone.
While the Alleluia is being chanted, the deacon, taking the censer and
incense, approaches the priest, and taking a blessing from him,
censeth the Holy Table round about, and the whole altar, and the
priest ( but, some cense during the epistle reading ) And the priest
saith this prayer: