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Divine Liturgy of St Basil- The Anaphora - 72 -
Therefore, O Most holy Master, also we
sinners and Thine unworthy servants, having been
vouchsafed to minister at Thy holy altar, not
because of our own righteousness (for we have not
done that which is good upon the earth), but
because of Thy mercies and Thy compassions,
which Thou hast poured out richly upon us, dare to
draw nigh unto Thy holy altar, and having
presented the sacred emblems of the Body and
Blood of Thy Christ, we pray Thee and we call
upon Thee, O Holy of Holies, through the favor of
Thy goodness, send Thy Holy Spirit down upon us,
and upon these Gifts presented here, and bless
them, sanctify and manifest them.