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Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
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Then taking the holy diskos, he placeth it upon the deacon's head,
with all attentiveness and reverence, the deacon also having the
censer in one of his fingers. The priest himself, taketh the holy chalice
in his hands and they come out by the North door, the candle-bearers
going before them, and they make the circuit of the temple while
The Great Entrance
The Orthodox episcopate of the Russian Church; our
lord the Very Most Reverend N., Metropolitan of Eastern
America and New York, the First Hierarch of the Russian
Church Abroad; and our lord the Most Reverend Bishop N.,
may the Lord God remember in His kingdom, always, now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
After chanting his petition, the deacon immediately enters the
sanctuary through the holy doors and kneels on his right knee only,
holding the diskos on the right corner of the holy table. The priest
intoneth the following petitions during the entrance.
The much suffering Russian Land and its Orthodox
people both in the homeland and in the diaspora; this land,
its authorities and the faithful that dwell therein, may the
Lord God remember in His kingdom, always, now and ever,
and unto the ages of ages.
The clergy, the monastics, all that are persecuted and suffer
for the Orthodox Faith; the founders, benefactors, and the
brotherhood of this holy temple ( or holy monastery), and all
of you Orthodox Christians, may the Lord God remember in
His kingdom, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of