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Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
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People: We praise thee, we bless thee, we give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, and we pray
unto Thee, O our God.
All make a prostration, if it be a weekday, but not it be Great Feast of
the Lord or the Theotokos.
And the priest prayeth:
Again we offer unto Thee this rational and
bloodless service, and we ask of Thee, and we
pray Thee, and we entreat Thee: Send down Thy
Holy Spirit upon us and upon these Gifts set forth.
And the Priest and the deacon bow together thrice as the priest saith:
O God cleanse me a sinner and have mercy
on me
And the Priest prayeth with raised hands, and the deacon
respondeth, and each boweth thrice:
O Lord, Who didst send down Thy most Holy
Spirit at the third hour upon Thine apostles: Take
Him not from us, O Good One, but renew Him in us
who pray unto Thee.
Stichos: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and
renew a right spirit within me.